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Be Genuine, Buy Genuine: SIAM new initiative to fight counterfeiting


Ever wondered why you vehicle keeps breaking down even after you get it repaired from a trusted source? Did you check if the parts used were genuine or from the OEM?

Spurious or duplicate auto parts are one of the main reasons for regular vehicle breakdown and also responsible for a number of accidents. Many a times we tend to buy non-genuine parts to save us a few rupees and end up paying the same in continuous repairs or drop in performance.

Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM) has rolled up their sleeves to combat the issue of counterfeit auto-parts by forming an Anti-Counterfeiting Group (ACG). This group is focussed on creating awareness and educating the customers about the disadvantages and risks involved in using fake parts for their vehicles.

SIAM has now launched an initiative to fight counterfeit spares with the launch of a website:, and a mascot in the form of “Mohan, the mechanic” who will spread awareness of how to examine a fake or Spurious auto parts.

So what are the main benefits of genuine parts?

SIAM will also have a Fighting Fake stall at the Auto Expo 2014 where one can get more information on how to identify fake parts.

AutosArena is partnering with SIAM to spread the word of risks involved in using fake parts for their vehicles and creating more awareness on the use of genuine parts. Please visit for more details and choose not use FAKE parts.

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