Harley-Davidson’s exclusive chapter for women – Ladies of Harley (LOH) is all set to take a 6000 km ride across the Golden Quadrilateral from April 7th to April 21st, 2018.
The ride will be flagged off from the beach town of Daman and the women riders will traverse through Udaipur, Delhi, Kanpur, Aurangabad, Kolkata, Bhubaneswar, Vijayawada, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolhapur, Mumbai, before the ride comes to an end once again in Daman on April 21st. The riders will spend 14 days on India’s finest highways while covering 6000 kms on their Harley Davidson motorcycles. The riders will be welcomed into each city by fellow HOG members of Udaipur, Capital (Gurugram), Red Fort (New Delhi), Kalinga (Bhubaneshwar), Marina (Chennai), Bison (Bengaluru), Warrior (Kolhapur) and Seven Islands Chapter (Mumbai).

Peter MacKenzie, Managing Director of Harley-Davidson® India said, “Harley-Davidson® has seen a significant rise in participation by women across H.O.G.® rallies organized in India since the last two years. The inception of the Ladies of Harley, an exclusive chapter for women Harley riders is an endeavor to celebrate their free spirit and unite like-minded people who have a passion for riding. Their second ride as a chapter across the Golden Quadrilateral will certainly encourage other women to explore Harley-Davidson® and the sport of leisure motorcycling.”
Sunita Kunjeer, Chapter Director, Ladies of Harley, said, “Ladies of Harley has seen a strong surge over the last few years with more and more women joining the world of H.O.G®. This ride will mark the beginning of many more such endeavors and all seven of us are excited to embark on this never done before adventure.”

About Ladies of Harley:
Ladies of Harley is an exclusive chapter of women Harley-Davidson® riders in India. Like all Harley-Davidson® chapters, the intent of chapter is to ride and have fun with like-minded individuals who have a passion for motorcycling and the brand. Adventure, Camaraderie, Freedom, the list of reasons why women decide to ride Harley-Davidson® motorcycles is as long as the open road itself. This chapter has been established to support women motorcycle enthusiasts – both riders and passengers and comes with its own special embroidered patch and a pin.